Electricity, water, waste water, and bilge pump

Marina De Drait

Electricity, water, waste water, and bilge pump

Water (+/- 100 liter): € 0,50 (+/- 50 L, approx. 3 min.)

Electricity with kW-numerator per year (includes 100 kW): € 150

Electricity with kW-numerator per month (includes 25 kW): € 37,50

Electricity usage after 25/100 kW: € 0,90 per kWh

Daily rate electricity: € 4

Waste water pump for toilet (free for berth holders): € 10

Bilge pump (oil-containing waste water per 100 liters): € 15

Chemical toilet disposal for non-berth holders: € 8

Day rate electricity: €4